Northeast Lower Peninsula
To access the original Michigan DNR fishing Report: Click Here!

Cheboygan: Anglers were getting limits of lake trout, along with a few steelhead and pink salmon, out near Bois Blanc Island when trolling spoons and meat rigs off Lafayette Point. Those trolling spoons caught lake trout in 60 to 110 feet at Reynolds Reef and Spectacle Reef.
- For more Cheboygan County public lakes: Click Here!
Cheboygan River: Shore anglers caught smallmouth bass, walleye and freshwater drum when bottom bouncing worms. Boat anglers caught 15- to 20-inch walleye when trolling or drifting a crawler harness between the walk bridge and the DNR office.
Rogers City: The mixed-bag fishery is in full swing. Anglers are catching lake trout, steelhead, pink and the occasional Chinook, coho or Atlantic salmon in 60 to 130 feet. The fish were scattered, so anglers were moving around and fishing throughout the water column. Spoons worked best, and the hot colors were white, green, blue, orange and green, blue and silver, or glow early and late. Chinook catches were still spotty, with most caught in the evening or an hour before sunrise. Those fishing the top 50 feet found steelhead and salmon. Lake trout were on the small side, but bigger fish were found near the bottom in 70 to 90 feet. Watch for bugs on the surface.
Presque Isle: Anglers did very well catching lake trout, steelhead and pink salmon along with the occasional Chinook, coho or Atlantic salmon or walleye throughout the water column. Run lines in the top 20 feet for steelhead and pink salmon or deeper for lake trout. Green, orange, white, blue, black and white, or glow spoons worked best in 180 to 220 feet. The fish are feeding, so look for bug slicks on the water when heading out.
- For more public lakes in Presque Isle county: Click Here!
Alpena: Anglers caught lake trout, steelhead, pink salmon and walleye when trolling spoons, spin-glo’s and flies in 70 to 140 feet off the Nordmeer Wreck, Thunder Bay Island and the Humps. Fish were found throughout the water column, with silver fish coming up higher. Walleye, smallmouth bass and freshwater drum were caught on a crawler harness or body bait in 15 to 40 feet off North Point, in front of the harbor and toward the Black River. Early morning and evening were best.
- For more Alpena County public lakes: Click Here!
- Alpena couinty bait and tackle Shops: Click Here!
Thunder Bay River: Is producing smallmouth bass, rock bass, freshwater drum and a few channel
cats when drifting or floating crawlers. A few walleye and pike were caught early or late when trolling or casting crawlers and crankbaits. Smallmouth bass and pike were caught in Lake Besser when trolling or casting crankbaits.
cats when drifting or floating crawlers. A few walleye and pike were caught early or late when trolling or casting crawlers and crankbaits. Smallmouth bass and pike were caught in Lake Besser when trolling or casting crankbaits.
Oscoda: Had good fishing for lake trout, pink salmon, steelhead and the odd Atlantic or coho salmon. The steelhead bite was consistent, with a few up to 30 inches taken in 80 to 130 feet or as deep as 180 feet. The fish are scattered throughout and were hitting spoons, spin-glo’s and flies. Green, orange, pink and blue were good colors. A couple walleye were taken on spoons up higher in 50 to 120 feet. Pier anglers caught smallmouth bass, freshwater drum and channel cats on crawlers or crankbaits.
- For more Oscoda County Lakes: Click Here!
Au Sable River: Water temperatures between Parmalee Bridge, Mio Dam and Alcona Dam are in the 70s, so trout are becoming sluggish. A couple walleye were found between Foote Dam and the mouth when trolling or drifting crawlers and crankbaits. Those casting crankbaits and jigs caught pike and smallmouth. Largemouth were found in the marinas and weed beds. Good catfish action at the mouth in the evening. Smallmouth, rock bass and freshwater drum were hitting crawlers. In Foote Pond, pike and smallmouth were caught trolling or casting crankbaits and floating sucker minnows.
680 River Rd.
Oscoda Twp. Mi 48750
(989) 739-5332
Higgins Lake: Boat anglers continue to find lake trout near the bottom in 100 to 120 feet when trolling or jigging. The perch bite slowed, but fish were still caught in 40 feet or so. Smallmouth bass and rock bass continue to bite.
Houghton Lake: Those targeting walleye along the drop-offs in 14 feet or so have taken a few on a harness tipped with crawlers or leeches. Good blade colors were copper, orange, green or chartreuse. Smallmouth bass were caught along the north shore and near the Cut River. Crappie, bluegills and sunfish were hitting live leeches and leaf worms, but the bite was slow, so target different depths.
Tawas: Had good fishing, even with a mayfly hatch. Lake trout, brown trout, steelhead, Atlantic salmon and a good number of walleye were caught in 50 to 80 feet on spoons, flicker shad or crawlers.
Tawas River: Large and smallmouth bass, along with a few rock bass, were caught on various lures or when using crawlers just off the bottom at Gateway Park.
- For more Iosco County Lakes: Click Here!
Au Gres: A few limit catches of walleye were taken in 35 to 60 feet north of Point Lookout, east toward the shipping channel and south of Pt. Au Gres. A few perch were caught by those trolling for walleye.
Below are links to bait shop listings organized by county:
- Montmorency County Click Here!
- Alpena County Click Here!
- Arenac County Click Here!
- Clare County Click Here!
- Alcona County Click Here!
Your area may not be listed within this fishing report so below is a list of links to pages in Northeast Michigan to help guide you to public lakes in your county.
- Alcona County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Alpena County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Clare County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Crawford County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Gladwin County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Iosco County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Montmorency Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Ogemaw County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Oscoda County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Presque Isle County Public Lakes: Click Here!
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