Southeast Lower Peninsula
To access the original Michigan DNR fishing Report: Click Here!
Lake Erie: The DNR will conduct its annual walleye assessment near Monroe from October 8-12. Staff will set gill nets near Stoney Point and Luna Pier. Anglers and boaters should avoid navigating in between the large orange staff buoys and be sure to give the research vessel room to maneuver when actively lifting and setting the 1,300-foot long nets. The lake has good perch fishing with boats getting 20-60 fish and even some limit catches. The better fishing was in the morning in 14 to 22 feet in Brest Bay, 26 feet off Fermi, 27 feet off the mouth of the River Raisin, and near the C-Buoy. Most were using emerald shiners on perch rigs with green, orange, red or chartreuse spinners and beads. Chartreuse was the hot color. White bass, white perch and the occasional walleye were also caught. Excellent bass fishing continued along most of the shoreline and near the harbors. Morning and early afternoon were best with 50-100 largemouth and the occasional smallmouth caught in four to six feet off the Sterling seawall, the Bolles Harbor and Toledo Beach Marina breakwaters and within the Hot Ponds. Most were using green pumpkin, black and gold or watermelon worms. The Hot Ponds continue to produce channel cats.
- If you're planning on fishing any of the canals near Lake Erie Metro Park or Point Mouillee State Game Area you can get all of your bait & tackle needs met at Bottom Line Bait & Tackle.
- If you're planning on fishing out of Sterling State Park or the Brest Bay area you can pick up tackle from the nice people at Jeff's Bait & Tackle.
Lake St. Clair: Bass fishing has been tough over the last week. Water temperatures have dropped, but the bass were not biting. Walleye started to come back near Grassy Island. Lately there has been a small window from 8-9 a.m. when the fish were biting. Off Metro Beach, a couple of nice perch were caught on scented minnows or the occasional crawler.
- For a more accurate report on Lake St. Clair I suggest reaching out to the people at Sportsmen's Direct as their weekly LSC fishing report is usually far more in depth. Phone: (586-741-6052)
- Macomb County Bait Shops: Click Here!
St. Clair River: A few bass were caught in the North Channel. Those fishing the mouth of the North Channel caught a couple walleye.
Lexington to Port Sanilac: The thermocline was all over the place and the fish were scattered. Minnows are just starting to come into the harbors. Atlantic salmon have shown up in the Lexington Harbor and one or two have been caught each day on small spoons. Night anglers caught walleye off the breakwall at Port Sanilac when casting small spoons and body baits.
Port Austin: Fishing was almost non-existent and the few boats that did go out got skunked. Windy conditions had the thermocline all over the place. Minnows are just starting to come into the harbor.

Harbor Beach: Had few anglers. A couple walleye were taken by those casting small spoons or body baits at night.
- Huron County Bait Shops: Click Here!
Saginaw Bay: Another windy and rainy week so few anglers were out. A couple perch were caught off the Saganing and Pinconning Bars as well as off the mouth of the Pine River in 10 to 15 feet. Off Linwood, perch were taken out in 17 feet. The fish were running 10-12 inches but no big numbers. Perch were also found near Sailboat Buoy F, northeast of Spoils Island in 15 feet and along the old shipping channel in 17 feet. The old shipping channel produced the best catches when boats could get out there. On the east side, a couple largemouth bass were caught close to shore. Shore anglers between Quanicassee and Bay Port caught some bluegills. One walleye was taken in the marina at Sebewaing.
- For a more accurate report on Saginaw Bay I suggest taking a look at the weekly Saginaw Bay Fishing Report given to you by
Below are links to bait shop listings organized by county:
- Wayne County Click Here!
- Washtenaw County Click Here!
- Bay County Click Here!
- Monroe County Click Here!
- Livingston County Click Here!
- Ingham County Click Here!
- Genesee County Click Here!

Your area may not be listed within this fishing report so below is a list of links to pages in Southeast Michigan to help guide you to public lakes in your county.
- Clinton County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Genessee County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Hillsdale County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Jackson County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Lapeer County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Lenawee County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Livingston County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Oakland County Public Lakes Page 1: Click Here!
- Oakland County Public Lakes Page 2: Click Here!
- Washtenaw County Public Lakes: Click Here!
- Wayne County Public Lakes: Click Here!
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