To access the original Michigan DNR fishing Report: Click Here!
Southwest Lower Peninsula
Overall: Bass and bluegill are actively feeding in the morning and evening. Try jigs and spinners for bass and red worms for bluegill. Along the deep weed lines and drop-offs, try a worm under a slip bobber.
St. Joseph: Boat anglers targeting lake trout reported decent catch rates in 80 to 100 feet. Perch fishing was good north of the pier in 40 feet. Pier anglers caught a few Chinook when casting spoons and spinners.
St. Joseph River: Appears to have a decent number of Chinook and coho.
Nearby Bait Shops Include:
Branch County: Anglers were having success at the Union Lake Dam. Catfish are being caught on crawlers or chicken liver.
South Haven: Perch fishing continues to be decent including some nice catches in 35 to 50 feet south of the piers. Boat anglers are still catching lake trout out in 80 feet. Pier fishing was slow for all species.
- For more places to fish in Van Buren County: Click Here!
 Grand Haven: Anglers going offshore are finding a mix of salmon and trout 40 to 100 feet down in 225 to 300 feet when trolling orange or green spoons. Pier anglers found slow salmon action but a decent number of channel cats were caught on gizzard shad.
Grand River at Grand Rapids: Anglers were still catching a few coho and the occasional Chinook in both the Grand and the Rogue River. Bluegill and crappie fishing picked up in the bayous, especially Stearns Bayou in Ottawa County.
Grand River at Lansing: Had fishing activity at the Webber and Portland Dams. Anglers were targeting coho when drifting spawn and crawlers or casting small spoons.
- For a more accurate report on the Grand River at Lansing I suggest reaching out to the people at Grand River Bait & Tackle. Phone: (517-482-4461)
Muskegon: Boat anglers targeting salmon near the breakwalls caught very few fish. Pier anglers caught freshwater drum on spoons.
Muskegon Lake: Those trolling were getting Chinook salmon south of the channel and down near the mouth of the river. Perch anglers were still getting some fish with perch rigs and minnows.
Muskegon River: Anglers are picking up a few salmon throughout including up near Croton Dam. Smallmouth bass continue to be caught.
Whitehall: Angling activity slowed, but steelhead and coho were caught on spoons 50 to 80 feet down in 250 to 350 feet. Pier anglers casting for salmon had slow catch rates. Those casting body baits or soft-plastic minnows caught walleye in the evening.
 White Lake: Those casting spoons near the mouth of the river caught the occasional Chinook salmon in the early morning.
White River: Anglers casting body baits or drifting skein in the lower end for salmon reported spotty catch rates. Chinook salmon were caught up near Hesperia.
For more bait shops in the southwest lower peninsula follow the links below:
Berrien County Bait Shops: Click Here! Allegan County Bait Shops: Click Here! Ingham County Bait Shops: Click Here!
Branch County Bait Shops: Click Here!
Barry County Bait Shops: Click Here!
Your area may not be listed within this fishing report so below is a list of links to pages in Southwest Michigan to help guide you to public lakes in your county.
Allegan County Public Lakes: Click Here!
Clinton County Public Lakes: Click Here!
Jackson County Public Lakes: Click Here!
Kalamazoo Public Lakes: Click Here!
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