It seems as though this year has been a year of late starts for me when it comes to fishing. Every time I've had a chance to go I've either hit the snooze button too many times or due to my lack of organization gotten on the water far later than I would've wanted. So why should this day be any different, I got this day started a few hours later than I would've wanted because I was indecisive on whether or not I even wanted to go fishing. Not only was I indecisive but I failed to pack my stuff up the night before, despite my wife telling me I should get ready. So the late bird has to spend more time than needed packing up the rubber worms.
Despite my late start though I made it to Newburgh lake excited and ready to fish. I jumped out the truck and reached into the back seat only to find that I left my tackle bag at home on the couch. Really... After all that work, I get to the lake and have no tackle to actually fish with. However, thank God I wasn't as organized as I'd like to be because I had my junky backpack in the back which had a couple of packs of plastics in it and I still had last years frog tied on one of the rods. Eureka!! Hopefully my pack of black sluggos would save my fishing trip or maybe I was already smelling a skunk.

When I got to the spot where I saw the fish blow up I pitched the frog close to where I had seen the fish. However due to not so accurate casting I was a couple feet off from where the fish had shown itself. "No biggie... I'll just make another cast", I figured. One more cast to the bank just behind where the bass had blown up and I was walking the frog right back to where I had seen the largemouth. That first few feet of walking the frog and nothing so I decided to pause the frog right at the spot where the fish was spotted. No sooner had I paused it and "splash" she had nailed my bait and was quickly becoming the highlight of my day.
Once I'd gotten this fish to the yak I couldn't be more excited. At 18 inches this fish was not my largest bass by far. However for a day that started out with me leaving all of my tackle at home and with it my hope of catching anything, this fish made the trip worth it.
After I caught that fish I ended up fishing for about an hour more. I ended up losing 3 more bass 2 on the frog and one on the sluggo. But hey, even losing 3 fish is better than sitting in front of a computer at work dreaming about fishing. Tight lines everyone and thanks for reading.
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